Traditional Hymns and Spirituals
For Inspiration and Meditation

  1. Steal Away To Jesus   (Trad. Spiritual)
  2. Come, Thou Fount Of Every Blessing   (Shape-note Tune)
  3. What A Friend We Have In Jesus   (Charles C. Converse)
  4. Lord, I Want To Be A Christian   (Trad. Spiritual)
  5. My Lord, What A Morning   (Trad. Spiritual)
  6. Ah, Holy Jesus/Consolation   (J. Cruger/Shape-note Tune)
  7. Deep River, My Home Is Over Jordan   (Trad. Spiritual)
  8. Sometimes I Feel Like A Motherless Child   (Trad. Spiritual)
  9. Nearer, My God, To Thee   (Lowell Mason)
  10. What Wondrous Love Is This (Shape-note Tune)
  11. Amazing Grace/Resignation (Shape-note Tunes)
  12. Nobody Knows The Trouble I've Seen (Trad. Spiritual)
  13. A Mighty Fortress/Jesu Joy   (Martin Luther/J.S. Bach)
  14. I Lay My Sins On Jesus   (Munich Gesangbuch 1693)
  15. Come, Thou Long Expected Jesus   (Shape-note Tune)
  16. Abide With Me (William H. Monk)
  17. The King Of Love My Shepherd Is   (Trad. Irish)
  18. Were You There When They Crucified My Lord? (Trad. Spiritual)
  19. Oh Sacred Head Now Wounded   (Hans Leo Hassler)
  20. Beautiful Savior   (Silesian Folk Tune 1842)



Total Playing Time: 49:10

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Mail check to: Dragonflower Music, PO Box 8766, Albany, NY 12208